
unknown.possibilities. (u.p.) is a performance based dance company born out of Josh and Alina's desire to create work together in 2023. By combining different emotional, physical, and psychological approaches u.p. searches to find new ways of expression and a multi-layered state of being.
u.p.'s work is notable for being accessible, yet emotionally articulate, visually capturing, and venturing into the absurd.

Get To Know u.p.

ein Imagefilm Gefördert von die Stadt Braunschweig - Kulturinstitut

Konzept / Choreografie / Performance: u.p.

Künstler & Rauminstallation: Jens J. Meyer >>splitting space, joining fragments<<

Filmaufnahme & Schnitt: Mel Rangel

Ort: ONN! Raum für Kunst & Austausch

The Team

The Team

The Team

The Team

Joshua Haines

click on picture for short bio
Photo: Dan Hannen

Alina Jaggi

click on picture for short bio
Photo: Dan Hannen

© 2023 unknown.possibilities. Haines & Jaggi GbR